
About Us

chissn offers many bags to buyers around the world, including underarm bags, cross body bags, backpacks, tote bags, wallets & coin purses, bags & purses. Our buyers come from many countries around the world. In chissn, international buyers can buy a wide range of products at very low prices.

chissn offers a quick-and-easy online purchasing process in addition to offering all of our clients a dedicated and knowledgeable customer service. Unlike our competitors, chissn has truly taken out the hassle of international trade—from product sourcing, secure payment and shipping. Since its founding, chissn has seen accelerating growth rate year on year in a number of business indicators, including gross merchandising value, number of orders, registered buyers, and listings.

With the corporate slogan, "Trend-setting, high speed transporting worldwide" and the efficient international delivered system, we can collect the superior products and provide the better and faster online shopping service for our clients.